
SKlation is an improvised music and creative jazz group based in Dresden, Leipzig and Berlin. Since the trio was formed in spring 2018, the band already played several well known festivals and events like "XJazz-Radebeul Edition" , "Weltkultur Modern" , "Gate To Goa", or "Klangkeller Summer Fest". Consisting of three of Saxony's youngest musicians in Free Jazz and Avantgarde music, members are Henri Reichmann on drums, Helene Winkler on cello and Vincent Meißner on piano. After they gained lessons from Jazz legend Günter "Baby" Sommer at the music university in Dresden, he encouraged them, to continue playing trio. In October 2018, there debut album "Prohlis Underground" was released on Luxury Hechts, followed by a release tour. The bands aim is to overcome borders in music and art, working with different elements of Jazz, Classical and Contemporary Music, SKlations creates a unique style, full of atmosphere and feeling.